Saturday, June 23, 2007


Main Dudes Only Version

Matching Tiger Jerseys to start the day

Off to CJ Barrymore's for some mini golf action

Motion shot: You should see the movie I took!

He wanted to try it - so we did. The socks with the sandals idea was NOT mine

Gabe takes a swing in the batting cages

Ah Ha! The socks were a ploy to get to go to the Burger King Play Place - Gabe truly has it "His Way"

Gabe and I started off Father and Son-Day by going to Home Depot for a part needed to fix a broken drawer. Then hit Dick's Sporting Goods, Dunham's, DC Sports and finally Champs Sports in the mall. We bought Tiger jerseys and then headed off to CJ Barrymore's (Gabe's favorite place)

We played 36 holes of mini-golf - he beat me on the first 18 and I recovered for the split on the second half. We then went on the go-karts. Usually you get 5 minutes, but because there were only a few people on the course and no lines we got 15! Gabe wanted to hit a bucket of balls and practice our putting in the dome. Afterwards we both took turns in the batting cages. I figured out the demand to wear socks under the sandals when he suggested we grab lunch at any fast food restaurant with a "play place".....Gabe made some friends at the play area and got a "squeeze" (as he called it) from a girl who didn't want him to leave.

The day is still young and we still have a party to go to......I need a nap.


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