Saturday, May 05, 2007


Gabe strikes a pose

DD and I are being goofy while we wait for the pictures to be taken

The 2007 Diamond Jaxx

Gabe and lil sis pose quickly before running to play on the playground

I know what you're thinking....No blog for a month plus and now one every other day (or twice a day) for a week. I'm really making an effort here. Today we woke up, ate cocoa puffs, said goodbye to our cousins and Uncle Ben and headed to the park for team photo day. All was going great until Kara bumped her mouth on the playground. I have it on video too :-( poor kid.... She is amazing though - she didn't cry and she even let me keep ice on her lip for a few minutes without complaining. She will now be spoiled for the rest of the day......It will be Mickey D's for lunch and Pizza for dinner (so much for healthy eating while the girls are out of town)


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