Sunday, April 22, 2007

CATCH UP BLOG - It's Been a Long Time.....

I know...I know - shame on me. I haven't done a new post for over a month but that beats others in my family who go 8 months and counting. Well, I can't compare myself to others - that is where I get into trouble. So here it goes.

Starting back in early March the kids were invited to 2 birthday parties. One for Baby Alex who turned 1 and one for Baby Gianna who turned 1 as well. Yes, both parties were on the same day and boy did we have fun driving to Grand Blanc and then to Beverly Hills and back home. (See Pics below)

He had a cotton candy machine, a big blow up castle for the kids to jump in and a TON of great food. He is getting so big!

Gianna is looking more like her big brother Giorgio everyday. Gabe had a blast playing with all of the kids (Kara got a little "fussy" so we had to leave a little early. Long Day!)


We had a couple of visits from our dear (and very cute) friend Kaylee. She and Kara like to dress up like princesses.

Princesses for sure!

We had Easter Sunday which was filled with great joy for the rememberance of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every day should be Easter in my book. With all we have to distract us in this world, it is far to easy to forget just how awesome salvation is. Something I'm working on daily. The kids had a blast at mimi & papa's house with cousins Jordyn and Drewby doing an egg hunt.

Cousin Patch. We finally got them all to look at the same time!

Mom and J celebrated thier birthday together and Drew is only nine days later. The cake says it all.

Cheeeeese and Candy!

If it ain't Ben and Sonya......

It finally happened - the house is painted! We had the absolute BEST painters we could have ever hoped for. They were there (on time) everyday and did an impecable job. I hope I spelled that right. Anyway - a special thanks to Aunt Ginny for the referral.

Okay Noelle - I agree the lighted crown is sweet - even though we are NEVER in this room.

Yeah baby! I got my BLUE wall. Thanks to all that helped sway you know who my way!

No - it is not until May, but Noelle and I went to Washington D.C. to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversay. Why DC? Well - neither one of us had been there and we had always wanted to go. We had a ball together and got to see so many places that we had only read about or seen pictures of. We also were fortunate enough to catch up with KT and Ellen before she gave birth to their baby girl on Friday night (no pictures of baby Reagan, but we did get one of mom and dad just two nights before delivery - Congrats to you!!!) It wasn't Hawaii, which was what we had planned, but it was a great trip. We did miss our little ones but as you see below........they were having a little fun of their own.

We had a surpise treat from Kristina, Jim and Miles waiting in our room when we got there

Proud new parents. I haven't seen KT since we worked together 2 years ago. It was great to see how successful they both have been in their careers. We miss them a lot. BTW - your world has just been turned upside down - in a GREAT way!

Noelle's Anniversay gift from me.....okay - so it is the Hope Diamond in the Smithsonian. That is the closest we will ever get to it too!

Thanks to our GREAT friends Joan and Doug we were given a private tour by their friend (and now ours!!) Jamal. We got to see places in the Nation's Capitol Building that were seen only by a few. I was in awe standing on the House floor where congress votes and the Presidents give their SOU address every January. AMAZING!!!
(I know - Im a geek, but that was cool)

No - Bushy didn't invite us in. In fact he has snipers all over the place. I'm Armenian - NOT Iranian - geez!

Visiting the memorials and Arlington Cemetary reminded me of how much was sacrificed for our freedom in America.

The kids were having a blast playing on the new Rainbow Park that was installed in our backyard the day we left for DC. The kids now have about 15 new friends from the neighborhood (imagine that).

WOW! This is the monster that showed up while we were gone.

Gabe is so excited to entertain the neighbors.

DD loves the swings and demands to be pushed "higher!!!"

- Visit from cousins Izzy & Adam.
- Second place finish by me in the Playstation playoffs with my boys Ed, Steve, John, Scott, Brian and Mike.
- Gabe started baseball practice (too cold to shoot photos - no really 20 degrees)
- Please keep my former co-workers in prayer as they deal with the tragedy at their office.

As you can see we have been extremely busy - so please forgive the absense from blogging or if I missed anything. I didn't realize how many people actually read this thing until I got some complaints from some of you. At least I've heard the grumblings.


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