Saturday, May 26, 2007

Good Times!

Can you carry me Jordyn?? or "Can you Cawey me Jo-dyn?"

Little Chefs get ready to make the cakes for our special moms

Date Night! An annual tradition - see the new Spiderman

My other date! What a treat to be out with such lovely ladies!

I took Gabe and Kara for a "fun" day with Dad - the day before Mother's day. Maybe it was more fun for me? The kids and I went to a few stores to buy our cards for mom and grandmas, then went over to the Loshs' for some more family fun. We had coneys around the corner and Kara (as usual) was stuck to Jordyn (see picture above). Later that night I asked two of my favorite girls on a mother's day eve date! We had dinner and went to see Spiderman. It seems like that is the only movie we ever go out and see. The next morning the kids and I woke up early and made a big breakfast for the moms. They were really excited to help and only cracked a little shell in the pancake batter.

Mothers' day is a great day to show a little more love and appreciation for mom. It is amazing to be surrounded by such great moms. I am so grateful for how blessed I am to have such wonderful women in my life. (tear, tear, you had me at hello......) :-)

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Gabe strikes a pose

DD and I are being goofy while we wait for the pictures to be taken

The 2007 Diamond Jaxx

Gabe and lil sis pose quickly before running to play on the playground

I know what you're thinking....No blog for a month plus and now one every other day (or twice a day) for a week. I'm really making an effort here. Today we woke up, ate cocoa puffs, said goodbye to our cousins and Uncle Ben and headed to the park for team photo day. All was going great until Kara bumped her mouth on the playground. I have it on video too :-( poor kid.... She is amazing though - she didn't cry and she even let me keep ice on her lip for a few minutes without complaining. She will now be spoiled for the rest of the day......It will be Mickey D's for lunch and Pizza for dinner (so much for healthy eating while the girls are out of town)


Kara and her big cousins enjoy an Olga's lunch with Papa and me (Gabe was still in school)

Can somebody say crash time Kara...?

Sleepovers are fun and this crew is ready to cash out after a long day of fun

Today the girls left Ben and I to be in charge of the kids (alone!!!). You know it's not so hard when you have them all together. They seem to really get along well and help each other. Jordyn is an amazing helper with Kara (as you can see above). We were not left hungry because Auntie Sonya made us a delicious italian dinner before she left. The kids played baseball and demanded to be pushed on the swings for hours. After dinner they watched a movie (The Ant Bully) and went to bed like angels. I guess all that play whiped em out. Beaner and I had a chance to catch up on our Knockout Kings skills (Smooooth Jab.....) and realize that we have no clue how to play MLB 2k7. We had a great time together - I mean it was so hard.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Game 2: The Attack of the DiamondJaxx

No. 9 - plays catcher just fine

Picture compliments of Jessie - Gabe Kranks the ball for his first of two hits!

Kaylee shows her support for Gabe. Does that say "G-Unit Krank it"?

If Auntie Sonya can do this - so can I!!!

Gabe's second game was similar to the first. The DiamondJaxx crushed the Grasshoppers by a score of 19-8. Gabe had two hits (again) and continues to improve. He even had a couple of fans in the crowd. Jessie and Kaylee came to show their support - and if you look above they even made an awesome sign. Kara was a little under the weather so she missed the festivities.

It is such a joy to watch my son play the game that I loved to play when I was a boy.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Gabe gets ready to take the field

Batter up!! Gabe goes 2 for 2 in his little league debut.
He started a 2 out rally that ended after 8 runs scored!

Almost home: Gabe is on third and ready to score
and give the Jaxx the lead.

Pudge is ready for the pitch....

Noelle shares in the victory dance with Gabe!

Tonight was Gabe's first little league baseball game. Little Pappi (Gabe's new nickname) had so much fun and to top it off he got two hits which lead to the Diamond Jaxx 19-14 victory. It was such a thrill to see our boy out there playing ball. We really worked at getting better at fielding and hitting. I have to give some props to Jessie for working with Gabe on his swing (he kept his elbow up, bat back and made great contact. Good work!). His biggest fans (Dinana, Noelle and Kara) were in the crowd cheering him on, even in the cold weather. It was just 80 degrees on Saturday and we were in the low 40s at game time!! Gabe's favorite time of the game was at the end when he got a hostess cupcake and some juicy juice (what a combo).

Weekend Fun!!!

Neighbor friend Colin shows Thomas the Train who is boss

Kara is thinking "he he I taught Colin how to suck his thumb..."

J & Drewby stop by after church for a little cousin fun day...

We had a fun weekend. The morning started with two yards of compost being dropped in our driveway. Thanks to Jessie for helping us move the monster load to the garden (we did it in half the time). Later we went to the Jacks for a 4 year birthday party for our little buddy Colin. He had a Thomas the Train theme and a whole lot of friends and family (we had a great time).

On Sunday we went to church with the Loshaws and then had the kids over for a fun Sunday. We hit the ice cream truck and had fun playing baseball and just hanging around. We need to see them more.