Dancing Machines
DD striking a pose
All dressed up with somewhere to go...
Dad puts on the corsage before taking his princess to the ball
DD and her friends get ready to do the locomotion
Briana, Kara, and Cassidy are all decked out and ready to dance - see video below for the warm-up
Last night was our inaugural Daddy/Daughter dance. Kara and I had an absolute blast together. The food was great and the dancing was.....different. If you went to this and didn't know who Hannah Montana, you would now! My ears are still ringing from the intense screaming, but I'm sure I will regain my normal hearing this week sometime (huh?).... I didn't know anyone before but got a chance to meet some of the other Dads.
DD and I had dinner and then danced to a few tunes and then she gently tugged my coat and said "Dad - I want to go home now". So we grabbed our coats and headed back to the castle. What a fun night full of great memories. I can't wait to do it again next year (with ear plugs) ;0
I'm very sorry that I haven't blogged in the past couple of months. It has been a cold winter and not a ton of activity. Okay, Okay, shame on me - I'm lazy :( The kids are still in their dance classes and Noelle and I continue to work a ton. We miss our mimi and papa dearly and hope to see them again REALLY soon.
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