Saturday, January 05, 2008


Gabe says "This is mine?"

Kara is tickled that it is Christmas morning

"We love mimi & papa's house"

Dad thinks "I have no idea what he is talking about..."
Ben says "Mick if you take my picture again - this fist is going move quickly toward you"

I think there is a turtle on Gabe's head....

Gabe is NOT shy about giving out hugs - especially when he gets a webkin...

Mimi and her tea....they go together like peas and carrots

"Fine - we will pose with you while you take a picture..."

Uncle Mark's gifts arrive - just another example of what brown can do for you

More Cousins!!! Donnie's coat is bling blingin'

A visit from brother Brian and cousin Garrett

Sigh..... The Christmas rush is officially over and was it ever fun! We went all over the place to visit family and friends. Thank you to everyone for all of the cards, gifts and most of all love that we received from you all. The spirit of Christmas is alive and we are so grateful for all of you. In the blur of all of the presents and glitter, etc. we have not lost sight of the real reason we celebrate this beautiful holiday - the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yes - the cliche is true that He is the reason for the season.

Happy New Year to everyone and we look forward to a very happy and healthy year!