Sunday, October 14, 2007

Angelo Gabriel Turns ONE

He is happy - really - that is how he smiles.......

Kara screams when she gets her cake
Gabe covers one ear so that he doesn't hurt both ears.... :-)

Pedro and Katae invited us to share in the celebration of their baby boy's first birthday. The kids and I had a great time and got to see some more friends we haven't seen since Giorgio's birthday.

I took the kids while Noelle and her sister were having FUN! I would say pause/not, but then I would get in trouble.........oops - too late!

Ain't Nothin But a Pirate Party.....Party....

Donnie says...."Arrrrrgh Matey.....Welcome to me 4th Birthday Party"

The Pirate family strikes a pre-party pose....

Don't get in pirate Ani's way....she will carve ya up

Captain and Kid are ready for some party fun

Captain Jack thinks "Me brother is only half pirate.....what kind of pirate wears jeans and tennis shoes???"

Oye - look at me wench, ain't she a beauty.....

The kids line up for a little "Captain Jack says"

Let the treasure hunt begin

Pirate Volleyball.....Every mate for himself

Kara caught stealing cheezy poofs......"it wasn't me"

Ship cake is ready to set sail right into our tummys

Captain Jack or Morgan - You decide....

My first blogger video.... pretty cool, I'd say

It has been some time since my last post, but I assure you that more fun pictures and memories are to come. Jack and Trudy had a great idea for a party for Donnie's 4th Birthday and wow was it ever fun. They invested in some cool costumes for themselves and had some amazing prizes and games to play for the kids (and adults too!). Captain Jack was a hit and we all loved his "Scurvy Burgers" and "Sea Dogs" he made for dinner. When it got later we had time to roast marshmallows.

Noelle even stepped it up with some fake tattoos and earrings, etc. for me and the kids. It was great to see my brother and his family again. We miss them so much and wish we closer (both literally and relationally)