Saturday, December 30, 2006

DECEMBER 30th????

All Smiles here in December...

These colors don't run - they ride.....

Wink wink - honk honk!!! Gabe let everyone know he was out

Normally we are not riding bikes in December here in Michigan, but we normally don't have this type of weather. With temps near 50 degrees and the sun shining it was hard to stay indoors. Gabe and I went out earlier in the morning. He bought a Playstation video game (NASCAR!??) and got a hair cut. We had a great day and finished up with a movie - Barnyard.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


A Daddy/Daughter photo - oh yeah Gabe decided to pop in right before the flash! HAM!

Gabe "shares" his BIG present with sister Kara....what a guy! Oh wait you can't play alone...

Off To Kimmy and Kevins.....Mark and Jack showing their love for Aunt Kim

Yeah - we are gonna have seconds - and maybe thirds....what are you gonna do about it??

Gabe tried to pop in on this Daddy daughter pic but was too "busy" playing. Ani and Jack enjoy the beautiful Christmas meal...

Donnie and Kara are playing nice. They take a quick second to say "cheeeese"

Who is missing??? Mommy is sick (again) :-(

She wanted her two front teeth, but instead got two nicely wrapped gifts....she was okay with it.

Hezbollah? Kim and Kevin provide warm winter clothing....we have other ideas. Well at least Mark does (put the knife down bro!!)

Overall, I am very disappointed with the pictures taken for Christmas this year. No pictures of a lot of people we love (Mimi, Papa, Dinana, Sonya, Drewby, Trudy or Noelle)....Poor Noelle was sick, but we tried our best to enjoy the joyous holiday. Gabriel and Kara both made out HUGE. Too many presents I say, but you can't stop family (or Santa) from blessing kids that are so good!

God is so good to us in so many ways - he even sent His Son to this earth to save us and that is the real reason we celebrate this holy day!