Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sunday Fun!

Matching outfits? The kids share the camera before heading off to Church

"Hey - look at my teeth!!!"

"Uh, Dad - the sun is like in our eyes......"

Gabe and Kara were told early in the day that if they behaved nicely together that they would be able to go to the park. Bribery sometimes works when you need some peace.


At 11:15 AM , Blogger Jessica said...

Hey, that park looks REALLY familiar! BTW - Happy Birthday Mix. What are ya know... 25?

At 8:16 PM , Blogger Mick-n-Nell said...

Uh - yeah the park is not too far from the volleyball instructor's house that is three miles away from mine......

Uh - yeah - Markie - you best get your behind home! We miss you and can't wait to take you on in putt putt.....


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